'Rainbow Six Siege'
'Rainbow Six Siege' will stay focused on free DLC instead of sequels, Ubisoft said this week. The game is getting and retaining new players in record numbers despite releasing in 2015. 'Rainbow Six Siege' is available now on Xbox One, PC and PS4. Ubisoft

Ubisoft has recently confirmed that it will focus on balancing its competitive game entries rather than make a new singleplayer campaign. The company's competitive e-sports "Rainbow Six" title has been doing well, while its other games have performed less phenomenally. Ubisoft definitely has reasons for its new approach for the "Rainbow Six" series.

Ubisoft "Rainbow Six" brand director Alexandre Remy confirmed to The Daily Star that the company still isn’t planning to invest on making a singleplayer "Rainbow Six" entry anytime soon. Remy also expressed the same sentiments to the news outlet back in 2018 Paris Major. The brand director is known to be around the majors of the eSports competitions for "Rainbow Six Siege."

“No, no, no. The 'Rainbow Six' solo/singleplayer experience is dead,” Remy said. “For 'Siege,' forget about a solo campaign. We want this game to be a pure competitive multiplayer experience. All of our resources are going in that direction and to invest those resources elsewhere would be a digression.”

So far, "Rainbow Six Siege" only had the “Operation Chimera” that slightly moved away from the competitive experience but was still in multiplayer mode. Players would play as operators as they clear out stages against waves of zombies and complete their objective.

Other narrative stories for "Rainbow Six Siege" are shown in trailers and specific cinematics such as the "The Hammer and The Scalpel" CGI trailer.

Each of the zombie event stages are woven into a narrative where characters are trying to contain and stop the zombie contagion from getting out of hand. After that, the only singleplayer content in "Rainbow Six Siege" is its tutorial mode where players learn the basics of the game and nothing else.

Lastly, Remy also noted that the fans would not settle for a half-baked campaign, which supports Ubisoft's reasoning for not bothering with it for some time. Aside from the "Rainbow Six" series, other Tom Clancy entries from Ubisoft like "The Division" and "Ghost Recon Wildlands" somehow fit into this singleplayer experience while the former encourages multiplayer gaming.

As an eSport, "Rainbow Six Siege" remains to be one of the thriving first-person shooter titles along with Steam’s "Counter-Strike Global Offensive" and Blizzard Entertainment’s "Overwatch." While Ubisoft has achieved success with its competitive "Rainbow Six" game, the company may forgo a singleplayer "Rainbow Six" entry for as long as the multiplayer keeps working for them.