This is a representational image showing two ponies in Scotland. Getty Images

"I can't make this stuff up!" said a Missouri woman after she posted on her Facebook account a video showing a dog riding a one-eyed pony. Callie Schenker was near her driveway last Thursday night when she spotted her neighbor's Corgi sitting on her horse.

Schenker immediately recorded the unusual sight as the pony started walking away with the canine on top of it. The 15-second-video shared on social media shows the Corgi looking at the camera as the pony trotted away into darkness. The video on Facebook received over 5.5 million views at the time of publishing this report. The same video posted on YouTube garnered over 312,109 views since it was published Saturday.

"This is not our dog! But apparently him and Cricket the one eyed wonder pony are best friends. I'm stealing the dog, new circus act!" Schenker wrote along with the video.

"Also, the dog is my neighbors. He randomly shows up. I guess I just caught him riding my people at the perfect time! The dog didn't get hurt! No the dog is not abused at his home, he just likes to travel the rural area we live. Cricket is fine, he lost his eye a long time ago in an incident that had nothing to do with the dog! I DID not put the dog on the pony! Honestly I was pulling in my driveway from going to Mcdonalds when I seen this happening. I'm lucky I even got the video because my phone was nearly dead. I didn't have any intentions of his video being viral. I just post a funny video I thought my friends would enjoy. I'm glad everyone got a good laugh out of this," she added.

While talking to Springfield News-Leader, Schenker said the Corgi "rode it like people," and that "to us, is the killer of the video — that he actually stayed on."

After the pony and the Corgi received fame from the video, Schenker informed social media users that she created a page called “Cricket and Pals,” where she intends to post more videos and pictures.