A man wearing a swastika armband in Seattle was tracked and eventually knocked out on video Sunday.

The chain of events began when Twitter user, @bigotbasher, posted a picture of the man with the Nazi armband on a bus in Seattle saying that he had harassed a black man on the bus. The photo came from a third party, according to BuzzFeed News Monday.

The photo appeared on Reddit and other social media. A group of users associated with the antifa or anti-fascist movement reposted the photo looking for information about the man with the swastika armband. People in Seattle. both antifa-affiliated and not, began posting sightings of the man.

A video of the man getting punched and knocked out was posted Sunday afternoon by YouTube user Sam McCready. The man who threw the jab had his face blurred out in the video. The people in the crowd are not visible either. The original video was removed by YouTube.

One Twitter user, @teethnclaws, used their Twitter to signal-boost the original photo.

“I would say that we successfully identified, tracked and coordinated to neutralize a clear and present danger to Seattle. Whether we coordinated the actual punch or not,” he said to BuzzFeed News Monday, asking to remain anonymous because of his antifa affiliations. “I, for one, applaud the anonymous hero.”

In January, a video of alt-right white nationalist Richard Spencer getting punched in the face went viral. Spencer was punched during an interview on Inauguration Day. The incident prompted the New York Times to ask the question “Is it O.K. to punch a Nazi?” in a follow-up piece.