Where to Learn Business Etiquette
Where to Learn Business Etiquette Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

Business etiquette is a body of standards that guide professional behavior. It can be a set of generally accepted or expected manners, or specific rules imposed by an organization upon its members. A violation of business etiquette is considered an offense, where the consequence can mean the disapproval of other members of the organization, or sanctions including suspension or even dismissal from the group.

Understanding business etiquette

To gain a deeper understanding of business etiquette, it's important to look at it as a basic, often unwritten code of courtesy and respect in a business or professional context -- for example, between employers and employees, among coworkers, or between businesses and customers.

Given modern-day methods of communications and transactions, business etiquette has also transcended tradition and branched out into more specific forms, like accepted conventions for social media branding and email marketing.

Furthermore, business etiquette may be defined as having the sense of discipline required in performing a certain task and being able to exercise your superiority in an organization without discriminating or being condescending.

The importance of business etiquette

Etiquette is not only important, but critical when it comes to business. It is, in fact, the foundation of good rapport in all business dealings, especially through effective communication skills.

Etiquette is also key to building healthy relationships. Because good business etiquette runs parallel to the principles of fairness and honesty, people who practice it usually develop strong relationships at work or with business associates. This leads to a more harmonious environment where everyone feels respected by the other, thereby improving team as well as individual productivity in effect.

Additionally, good etiquette can make a person look more confident in his own knowledge and abilities, as seen by how they can practice self-control and maintain composure even under the most uncompromising situations.

Of course, we have seen how rewards await business people who practice good etiquette. For example, employees who are always on time for work are likely to make a better impression on their superiors than those who are always late. By coming to work on time, these people are showing respect for their positions, coworkers and employers. And it's likely they will get promoted and advance in their careers faster than others who are less serious about their work or business behavior.

How and where to learn good business etiquette

Needless to say, good business etiquette is necessary for anyone who wants to get ahead in their chosen paths or endeavors. And it's great that learning it isn't rocket science.



Knowing good business etiquette can begin with reading a few books on the subject. Many have been written on it, and there's a lot to find at local bookstores or libraries, especially in the self-improvement section.

Then again, it's crucial to go with more recent titles and authors, especially industry experts and business management professionals. Remember, even business etiquette is evolving, what with all the new modes through which business can be conducted nowadays (business email etiquette is a classic example). In any case, always check the credentials of the people behind these materials and make sure they are true subject-matter experts.

Observing the big shots

A very effective way of learning this etiquette is to see it practiced by real, live business people. Those who have achieved success have most likely set for themselves a pattern of good business decorum that has become part of their journey to the top. Department heads, supervisors, CEOs -- these are people who have, in most cases, displayed true mastery of business etiquette, so they're usually worth a study.

Videos of corporate events are another convenient place to analyze the behavior of business executives. During a conference, how do they greet each other? How do they shake hands? What things do they talk about? It's good to watch their moves and learn from the top dogs.

Online education

Online is another great place to learn business etiquette. There are plenty of opportunities out there, such as seminars and workshops, or even actual sessions with experts who give out one-on-one lessons on the subject. The internet is practically bursting with suggestions and even animated graphics to help learners.

When checking out online materials, however, it's important to stick to peer-reviewed journal articles published on websites that end in dot edu, dot gov, or dot org. These websites are generally the most credible sources of information on the internet.

Joining organizations


Networking is a huge benefit of joining organizations, but there's way more than that. It's a great way to gain first-hand insight into etiquette that is particularly expected from professionals in a certain field. Of course, it's also a perfect venue to learn through practice. By joining these groups, a person has all the opportunity to put their business etiquette knowledge into action.

Day-to-day practice

When trying to learn business etiquette, nothing could be more effective than real-world practice. And yes, it does make perfect -- during work meetings, meeting new potential clients, sending out marketing emails, etc. Going to work or meeting business associates every day is always ripe with opportunities for practice.

After all, it's easy to forget things that are only read or heard about. The more the rules are lived out, the more they reflect instinctively until they become second nature to the person.


Business etiquette is rooted in building strong professional or business relationships and encouraging better verbal and non-verbal communication. This is only possible when people feel secure and comfortable in the environments in which they move around. While business etiquette can be unique to a country, there are rules that go beyond geography and remain unaffected by time.

Regardless, the care that you put into treating others with respect and value says a lot about who you are as a person. By practicing good business etiquette, you're more likely to be noticed and rewarded in the corporate world.