kate meghan
Kate Middleton, on the left at St Luke's Community Centre on March 22, 2018 in London, and Meghan Markle, at Cardiff Castle on Jan. 18, 2018 in Cardiff, Wales. Ben Bircall/Paul Edwards/WPA Pool/Getty Images

Although Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle and Pippa Middleton seemed like the best of friends at Wimbledon, the Duchess of Cambridge’s younger sister reportedly has some reservations about getting close to Prince Harry’s wife.

Since Meghan married Harry, there have been rumors suggesting the Duchess of Sussex is responsible for starting a feud with Kate. Insiders have claimed the tension between the women caused Pippa to keep her guard up around Meghan.

A source told Fabulous Digital Pippa has held a grudge against Meghan since learning of the 37-year-old’s behavior toward Kate. “On paper, Pippa and Meghan seem like a match made in heaven, as they are both good cooks, enjoy exercise, and are wealthy mums with small baby sons,” the insider revealed.

“Reality check is, she is never going to be more than an American duchess married to Prince Harry, who was hurtful to Pippa's sister, and who wants to rewrite the rules for the monarchy in the 21st century,” the tipster added.

While Pippa has a cordial relationship with Meghan, insiders insist she won’t allow the former actress to get too comfortable. “Pippa is way too savvy to fall for all of that. Pippa will be more than capable of dealing with Meghan,” the source explained.

“She is a seasoned old Marlburian brought up with good manners, clever, and tough enough not to let light in on her sisterly frustrations with the Duchess of Sussex, particularly over the treatment Meghan meted out to Kate.”

Although Pippa is younger than Kate, she remains protective of her older sibling. Insiders claimed the former Vanity Fair columnist won’t forgive anyone who has wronged Kate.

“Pippa has a long memory say Edinburgh Uni chums. She has a rather hands-off relationship with Meghan, and her overriding loyalty is to her sister,” the confidant claimed.

“At the end of the day, there is a cordial friendship, but an enduring closeness between Pippa and Meghan is never going to happen. Pippa will not be seen encouraging Meghan to pop by her Chelsea house, though visits have been made with Harry in tow.”

While Meghan, Pippa and Kate appeared to be on good terms during their latest public outing, the palace has not addressed feud rumors involving the women.