The upcoming 2021 “The Batman” may have garnered a new face to portray its sideways District Attorney turned supervillain Harvey Dent. Rumor has it, according to, that Matthew McConaughey is being considered to step into the shoes of Gotham’s so-called White Knight in opposition to Robert Pattinson’s far younger version of Batman.

Alongside supporting cast members Zoë Kravitz as Catwoman, Paul Dano as the Riddler, and only just recently announced, Jeffrey Wright as Commissioner Gordon, McConaughey’s speculated addition is proof that director Matt Reeves knows just what he’s doing with his rendition of the DC character. Though it’s still unclear what exactly the premise of the film will entail, with three major Batman archenemies thrown in the mix, the film is sure to be dark and harrowing a portrayal as ever.

Should McConaughey be cast, he will only add weight to the upcoming Batman outing. Last portrayed by Aaron Eckhart in 2008’s “The Dark Knight,” Harvey Dent is at first a protective face for the city of Gotham, before receiving a nasty burn that ruins not only half of his pretty facial aspects, but all of his psyche. From thereafter, calling himself Two-Face in reference to his deformity, the once highbrow aristocrat turns to a life of crime, his signature: relinquishing life or death to his victims at the behest of a coin flip.

While McConaughey’s character arc won’t see him turning into a foe until the sequel, as reported by Daily Mail, there will still be a necessitated tension shared between Bruce Wayne and Dent. The two characters, much like Gordon and Batman, stand on opposing sides of the law, though Dent himself finds out the hard way, as he so eloquently reiterates in “The Dark Knight” to Wayne: “You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.”

Though Ben Affleck may be out as the caped crusader, the DCEU still has a great many other faces to contend with, from the likes of Zachary Levy’s “Shazam!” and Gal Gadot’s “Wonder Woman” to Jason Momoa’s “Aquaman” and Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn. Even so, a plenitude of newer faces keeps being added to the roster as “The Batman” fills out its illustrious cast.

In the very words spoken by Reeves on the film’s casting during an early interview with The Hollywood Reporter: “There will be a Rogues Gallery.” He wasn’t kidding, and all eyes remain poised to see who else joins the swiftly amassing crew.

“The Batman” swoops into cinemas come 2021.

Matthew McConaughey
Matthew McConaughey began teaching classes at his alma mater, UT-Austin. Getty Images