weight loss African mango
weight loss African mango TotalShape - Pixabay


  • Losing weight may be one of the most challenging tasks for many
  • There are a number of foods that could help individuals lose weight
  • One of these foods that could help shed off the pounds is African mango extract

Losing weight is usually easier said than done. This is particularly true for people with daily routine schedules that are very hectic and crowded. Although diet and exercise are surefire ways of losing weight, recent studies suggest adding African mango extract to your diet can improve your metabolic health and help you avoid obesity.

African Mango Features

This fruit extract has been marketed as an effective weight loss aid. Its supplement forms contain African mango tree seed extracts that have been proven by studies to enhance metabolism. Its seeds also contain various nutrients, which include essential fatty acids, amino acids, and fiber.

How It Promotes Weight Loss

Many studies have shown African mango to suppress appetite, as well as speed up your metabolism and prevent the build-up of fat. There are also studies with results that indicate this fruit helps in lowering cholesterol levels and blood sugar levels.

The Studies

In one of the studies concerning African mango, which was published in Lipids in Health and Disease, researchers found that volunteers who had African mango daily enjoyed significant weight loss. Participants noticed a reduction in their body weight, body fat, and also saw their waistlines go thinner. Researchers also note their blood sugar and cholesterol levels went down.

The study, which involved 102 obese or overweight volunteers, were divided into two groups. The first half of volunteers have African mangoes to eat daily for 10 weeks, while the other half were given a placebo. At the end of the study, those who had African mango showed significant improvement in their body weight and metabolism, as well as their levels of sugar and cholesterol.

In another study, a combination of the Ayurvedic herb Cissus and African mango has been shown to fight obesity with greater efficacy. In this particular research, 72 obese or overweight volunteers took capsules daily for ten weeks. Each of the capsules contained one of three substances, namely, Cissus, placebo, and African mango and Cissus combination.

When the study was finished, the group that took capsules with African mango and Cissus blend displayed the biggest reductions in waist size, body fat, body weight, and cholesterol levels. You can get African mango extracts in online stores. Many natural food stores also offer them, oftentimes, in capsule form.