Arrow finale
Oliver (Stephen Amell) will be faced with both a physical and emotional challenge when he fights Prometheus in the “Arrow” Season 5 finale. The CW

“Arrow” Season 5 will culminate in a battle against the evil Prometheus, but he’s more than just a fighter. He knows exactly which buttons to push to drive Oliver to the edge. That will make the battle in the season finale incredibly powerful, according to executive producer Wendy Mericle.

“One of the fun parts of having Prometheus and Oliver going toe-to-toe this season has been they’re both really great fighters,” the showrunner told TVLine. “But by the same token, Prometheus is a tremendous psychological villain and he’s going to hit Oliver right where it hurts. That’s going to be a double whammy for him in the finale.”

The Green Arrow (Stephen Amell) and Prometheus (Josh Segarra) will not duke it out in Star City, though. They’ll be fighting on Lian-Yu in the “Arrow” finale, and they won’t be fighting alone. The synopsis released by The CW reveals that they’ll each bring a crew filled with familiar faces.

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“After recent events, Oliver decides to recruit a group of unlikely allies – Slade (Manu Bennett), Nyssa (Katrina Law), Merlyn (John Barrowman) and Digger Harkness (Nick. E. Tarabay) – to defeat Chase,” the description teases. “However, Chase has his own army – Black Siren (Katie Cassidy), Evelyn Sharp (Madison McLaughlin) and Talia al Ghul (Lexa Doig).”

That’s quite a line up, but they won’t all make it out alive. “Chase has been trying to prove to the world and to Oliver that he’s not a hero, he’s a killer, and he’s going to pull out one final, big whamo at the end that’s going to leave Oliver reeling. We might lose some people,” Mericle teased to Entertainment Weekly last month.

One of the popular theories is that Malcolm Merlyn will be killed. Mericle already teased that he would be a big part of the finale. She also told CBR that the last episode of the “Arrow” Season 5 is “going to have this kind of emotional undercurrent that is going to lead to a really big, huge series moment for [Merlyn].” It certainly seems like she could be hinting at Merlyn’s death.

Barrowman also didn’t help refute those rumors of his character’s death when he reportedly told fans during a convention that this was his last season in the Arrowverse (comprised of “Arrow,” “The Flash,” “Supergirl” and “DC’s Legends of Tomorrow”).

In any case, Oliver and Team Arrow still have a couple weeks before the deadly showdown in the May 24 finale. First, Oliver will have to deal with other villains.

In Wednesday’s episode, the public questions Adrian Chase’s legal career now that he has been exposed as Prometheus. The defense attorney’s victories in court will be overturned, releasing a slew of vicious criminals back into Star City.

It isn’t clear if our hero will realize what happened in last week’s cliffhanger — Prometheus found Oliver’s secret son William (Jack Moore). The Green Arrow told Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) that Adrian couldn’t possible know about his son, and Oliver will likely be horrified to learn that he was wrong.

“Arrow” Season 5 airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. EDT on The CW.