“Big Brother” Season 21 host Julie Chen recently introduced a new twist in the hit CBS reality TV show called Prank Week.

Last week, Chen said that Prank Week won’t affect the safety of the new Head of Household (HOH), but it will directly affect the HOH’s reign. On Thursday, Holly was crowned as the new HOH.

Warning: This article contains spoilers from “Big Brother” Season 21. Read at your own risk!

Even before Holly was crowned as this week’s HOH, she already made it clear that she wants to target Nick out. This is also the reason why Christie is still in the game even though last week’s HOH, Jackson, was keen on taking a shot at his former ally.

Christie blew up Nick’s game and revealed to all of the houseguests that Nick has been playing all sides of the house. And as such, Christie said that keeping her in the house would be beneficial to everyone’s game because she will be targeting Nick when she becomes HOH.

So, on nomination night, Holly decided to put Nick up for eviction. She didn’t have the opportunity to put up a second nominee because it was announced that the viewers voted Nick become the first prankster for the week.

As a prankster, Nick also had the opportunity to put one houseguest up for eviction. And it was no surprise that he chose Christie.

The houseguests also participated in another Power of Veto (POV) competition, and Jackson won. Holly, who is in a showmance with Jackson, convinced him to not use his POV on the nominees.

Holly wants the nominations to stay the same. But if Nick won the POV, he would’ve had the power to take himself off the block and force Holly to name a replacement nominee.

So, on Thursday’s live eviction, either Nick or Christie will be sent to the Jury House. It’s possible that this week’s final target is Nick.

Big Brother
Holly Allen from "Big Brother" Season 21. CBS