‘Big Brother' Host Julie Chen Thinks Corey Brooks 'Doesn't Have A Mind Of His Own'

“Big Brother” Season 18 host Julie Chen has some insights about Corey’s game strategy in the hit CBS reality TV show.
While speaking with Entertainment Weekly, Chen talked about the double eviction episode where Corey was named as the Head of Household (HOH) and then won the Power of Veto (POV). His rise to power came with a huge responsibility because on Thursday night, he was tasked to nominate two houseguests for eviction. Corey ultimately decided to nominate Bridgette and Michelle, but it seems that both names didn’t come from him.
“Corey can’t make a decision on his own. I normally love eavesdropping on the strategy sessions and seeing people try to cut deals or beg for safety, but Corey was so lost on what to do. I wish we had a rule tonight that said once you win HOH you have to make your nominations right away on the spot! Get your head in the game, man!” Chen said.
Meanwhile, Chen also talked about the drama that took place just before the live eviction episode. The host shared that James and Paulie have been going back and forth since the latter is trying to encourage James to use his power on two people who could send Zakiyah home. Unfortunately, James trusted his gut and decided to keep Michelle in the game. “James was nearly convinced and we were all unsure how he was going to vote. This was a case of no good deed goes unpunished,” she said.
In other news, newly-evicted houseguest Zakiyah thinks that Paulie or Corey could be in the final two. While speaking with The Hollywood Reporter, she said that she respects both of their games and they deserve to be in the finale. “I think maybe Paulie and Corey. That would be great. Two people that I can say I respected in the game and I like both of them,” Zakiyah said.
“Big Brother” Season 18 airs Sundays, Wednesdays and Thursdays on CBS.
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