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Former US president Donald Trump lashed out at his rival President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris

On US Independence Day, Biden Candidacy Faces Crisis

US President Joe Biden took to the airwaves on July 4 fighting to show he is fit to run for reelection and serve another term, trying to douse Democratic panic triggered by his disastrous debate with Donald Trump.
Kamala Harris, 59, is the first woman, the first Black person and the first person of Asian origin -- her mother was from India -- to hold the job that puts her a heartbeat from the presidency

VP Harris Does High-wire Act As Biden Wobbles

US Vice President Kamala Harris is engaged in a delicate balancing act, playing cheerleader for President Joe Biden while standing by as a leading contender to replace him if he ends his reelection bid.
Some members of the Federal Reserve's rate-setting committee urged 'patience' last month

US Fed Officials Stressed 'Patience' On Rate Cuts: Minutes

Members of the US Federal Reserve's rate-setting committee said last month that the bank's employment and inflation goals were moving into "better balance," with some calling for "patience" on interest rate cuts, according to minutes of the meeting published Wednesday.
US President Joe Biden reportedly told a key ally he sees his campaign sinking if he cannot convince the public quickly that he is capable of doing the job

Biden Under Pressure As Democratic Panic Rises

Joe Biden scrambled Wednesday to save his reelection bid, with pressure mounting on him to pull out following a disastrous debate showing, and the president himself reportedly saying the coming days could be make-or-break.
Indonesia launched its first electric vehicle battery plant on Wednesday

Indonesia Launches First EV Battery Plant

The country, which is the region's largest economy and home to the largest nickel reserve in the world, has been seeking to position itself as a key player in the global electric vehicle supply chain.
Amazon Web Services is nearing 20 percent of the giant's total revenue and bringing in about two-thirds of total profit

Amazon Counts On 'Grit And Innovation' To Meet AI Surge

The AI revolution is upon us with companies around the world looking to jump headfirst into the technology made famous by ChatGPT. To satisfy their generative AI urge, firms need to secure state-of-the-art software and ramp up computing power, which quickly brings them knocking on the doors of the globe's cloud computing giants, of which Amazon's AWS is the biggest.
US President Joe Biden and Senator Bernie Sanders accused pharma firms Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly of "price gouging"

Biden Calls For Lower Prices Of Ozempic, Similar Drugs

US President Joe Biden on Tuesday called on pharmaceutical giants Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly to lower prices for diabetes and weight loss drugs such as Ozempic, saying firms must stop "ripping off the American people."


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