In a horrific case of animal cruelty, a pet cat in Malaysia was found dead with all its legs chopped off.

The incident came to light after the cat's owner shared the story on Twitter. The owner, identified as Salina, recently posted an image of her dead cat on the social media website, calling out people who act in such an inhumane manner.

“Usually, I see others have to go through it but today my own cat became a victim. What did she do wrong? How could you chopped off all her legs? I have made a police report. What else should I do next? I want to fight for her," the user wrote, according to a translation by media outlet the World of Buzz.

Salina wrote she was on her way to work when she received a call informing her about the death of her pregnant pet cat. She said the body of the cat was left in a box near their home. It was not clear when the incident took place.

The pet owner was heartbroken following the incident and demanded justice for her feline. She also said the cat was wearing a collar, which hints at the fact that the killer knew it was a domesticated feline, the World of Buzz reported.

Last year in California, a video surfaced showing a woman and a man making no attempts to stop two dogs from attacking a cat. The incident that took place in Merced on April 14, 2020, was caught on camera.

“A bystander obtained video of the incident showing the animals and owners involved. During the violent attack, the dogs were off leash and the owners made no attempt to intervene and stop the attack,” the police said in a statement on Facebook at the time.

An investigation was launched to find the owners of the dogs. It was later revealed the woman was the owner of the dogs, and the man in the video was only a bystander.

“It was a rescue cat and lived on the other side of the wall. It was apparently a very sweet cat, who’d gotten a second chance at life before being torn apart by the unleashed dogs,” a resident commented on the post at the time.

Pet Cats
This is a representational image of two cats. Pixabay