• Dementia has become a common yet dangerous ailment that mostly affects the elderly
  • Health experts recommend certain activities that could help reduce one's risk
  • These include two activities that help keep the mind working

Dementia is a health condition that is primarily found in the elderly. This does not mean, however, that old age is synonymous with having the condition. There are elderly who don't have any symptoms of dementia.

This now brings you to the question why is it others were able to prevent its onset, while there are those who suffered from it. According to health experts, there are certain activities, which could slow down the onset of dementia.

Dementia is a general term that refers to conditions characterized by a deterioration of brain functions. Patients suffering from dementia show symptoms of confusion, memory loss, and personality changes. Fortunately, studies such as those conducted by King's College London and the University of Exeter gave many a ray of hope on how the condition can be kept at bay.

Helpful Measures

A research project conducted by the University of Exeter and King's College London studied 19,000 individuals who are already above the age of 50. The result of the research showed that those participants who regularly engaged in puzzles were able to improve their brain functions. Some of the activities that participants of the study engaged in were crosswords and sudoku.

crossword puzzle and sudoku for dementia prevention
crossword puzzle and sudoku for dementia prevention stevepb - Pixabay

The Head of Research at Alzheimer's Society, Dr. James Pickett, said that the recent research was very like other researches that have been done in the past, suggesting that doing word and number puzzles create a positive impact on the brain's thinking capabilities.

He pointed out a caveat, though that it also doesn't follow that when you regularly do sudoku and crosswords, you are immune to dementia, or that these activities could prevent the condition itself. He added that this was an important first step, emphasizing that the prevention of dementia is the key.

Other Suggested Activities

As Express reported, Dr. Pickett also enunciated that aside from doing puzzles, there are additional ways to help prevent the onset of the debilitating disease. He highlighted taking steps towards a healthy lifestyle. He also mentioned eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding vices like smoking and drinking.

As per NHS, getting a night of good quality sleep is very important. The ability to sleep between six to nine hours daily plays a very important role as well.