Google on Friday celebrated the Canadian-American physical educator, professor, doctor, and coach Dr. James Naismith with an animated doodle. Naismith, who invented the game of basketball in 1891, was honored for his illustrious contribution to the sporting world.

Naismith was born on Nov. 6, 1861, near the town of Almonte in Ontario, Canada. He earned a bachelor’s degree in physical education from McGill University, and in 1890 started working as an instructor at the YMCA International Training College in Springfield, Massachusetts.

During his time there, he was given a task to develop an indoor game that could keep students busy during the New England winters. On Jan. 15, 1892, Naismith had unveiled the rules of the sport.

"With two peach baskets, a soccer ball, and just ten rules, the game of 'basketball' was born," Google wrote.

Here are some quotes, courtesy AZ quotes, to remember Naismith and his contribution:

"Basketball doesn't build character it reveals it."

"The invention of basketball was not an accident. It was developed to meet a need."

"Be strong in body, clean in mind, lofty in ideals."

"Basketball really had its origin in Indiana, which remains the center of the sport."

"I am sure that no man can derive more pleasure from money or power than I do from seeing a pair of basketball goals in some out of the way place."

"Games have been called the lab for the development of moral attributes, but they will not, of themselves, accomplish this purpose. They must be properly conducted by competent individuals."

"Basketball is a pure invention."

"In case of dispute, the umpire shall throw it straight into the field."

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