• Experiencing a bloated stomach can be a regular occurrence
  • There are cases when having a bloated stomach means more than excessive food consumption
  • It could be a symptom of gluten intolerance

The feeling of a bloated stomach can be very uncomfortable. You may feel your tummy becoming stretched, puffy, and full of gas.

This feeling is common for those who have had excessive alcohol or unhealthy food consumption. There are cases, however, when bloating may be telling you of a different cause and intolerance to a certain food.

Gluten Intolerance

Gluten intolerance is characterized by the body’s adverse reaction to gluten. This is actually a common problem. Found in barley, wheat, and rye, gluten cause some people to feel symptoms similar to having a bloated stomach. Official estimates say that approximately 0.5% to 13% of people in the UK have gluten sensitivity, which is among the milder forms of gluten intolerance.

stomach bloating gluten intolerance
stomach bloating gluten intolerance Tumisu - Pixabay

Bloating is among the common complaints of those who are intolerant or sensitive to gluten. One research revealed that 87% of people who believed they have stomach bloating turned out to have gluten intolerance with symptoms similar to stomach bloating.

While symptoms of gluten intolerance may be similar to celiac disease, it is actually a less serious condition. Nevertheless, gluten intolerance can give you a lot of discomfort, although making some adjustments in lifestyle can eliminate these symptoms.

Other Symptoms of Gluten Intolerance

Aside from experiencing the feeling of a bloated stomach, gluten intolerance causes a range of other symptoms. Constipation and diarrhea are among the most common signs of gluten intolerance, so is abdominal pain.

In some cases, people who are gluten intolerant may feel nausea, fatigue, and headaches. Others report muscle and joint pains, anemia, as well as confusion and anxiety, or depression.

According to the National Health Service, the best way of recognizing intolerance to certain foods is to observe its symptoms and keep track of the food you eat. You can try eliminating the suspected food from your diet for a certain period, then reintroduce it to your system and observe what happens.

The health body also recommended you keep a food diary. You can list down the food you have eaten and the symptoms that arose after eating such food. It is also recommended you log the time when the symptoms appeared.