Miami Beach Commissioners voted to temporarily place a ban on alcohol that will limit the length of time it can be purchased for spring breakers.

The vote 4-3 on Wednesday decided that from March 7 to March 21, alcohol purchases will be prohibited after 2 a.m. rather than the usual 6 a.m. last call.

“For the hardship it may deliver, I’m sorry,” said Miami Beach Mayor Dan Gelber. “But from our point of view, going through that two-week period … is a danger to the public. It’s a proven danger to the public.”

Many clubs, restaurants and hotels benefit from the surge of tourism during Spring break, but the surge also comes with an influx of crime.

The alcohol ban is meant to help keep the massive crowds of people that Miami Beach attracts over spring break under control, and allow for police services to be available for the more serious events.

Although there is good intent behind the alcohol ban, many nightlife operators and employees were against it and suggest that it will only cost them money.

It is believed that this will create an unfair advantage for places that serve alcohol in other cities.

“It’s just picking winners and losers. It’s wrong,” said Jimmy Resnick, the landlord for South Beach club Exchange Miami.