party crashers
Party Crashers cause some serious problems Hearthead

Don’t let this week’s Hearthstone Tavern Brawl trick you, it isn’t as normal as it appears. “Encounter At The Crossroads” has you pick a class for a bunch of random cards to fill out your deck. The first few turns seem normal, with each player dumping their terrible minions on the board, ranging from Captain’s Parrot to Djinn Of Zephyrs.

Turn three is where “Encounter at the Crossroads” starts to get interesting. A Party Crasher, a 3/5 minion with taunt that works differently than every other minion in the game, gets summoned for each player. This angry knight in a party hat can’t attack other minions and can only go face. Each player gets one Party Crasher on their third turn and the beginning of every consecutive turn afterwards. By turn five, both players have boards full of minions that just won’t die.

In order to win this Tavern Brawl, you need a bunch of early game minions and wave clear. Those Party Crashers deal massive damage and can win a game on their own in the first few turns. I’ve played over a dozen games and none of them have gone past turn nine. I find that Hunters have the highest chances of getting good cards that can deal with these knights and other sticky minions.

Silences are also really good in this Hearthstone Tavern Brawl. Shutting those pesky Party Crashers up, so they lose their taunts and direct damage, will severely limit your opponent’s damage. Whoever gets the most Party Crashers wins the game, not whoever has the best minions in their deck.

If you win “Encounter at the Crossroads,” you get a Journey To Un’Goro pack that you can’t open until the expansion goes live. Remember, “Encounters At The Crossroads” is highly reliant on luck since you can’t choose the cards in your deck. You are just as likely to get Arcane Golem (which seems to be in all my decks) as you are to get Call Of The Wild.

How are you liking this week’s Hearthstone Tavern Brawl? Tell us in the comments.