Princes William, Harry, Princess Diana
Pictured: Princes William, Harry, Princess Diana applaud during the Wales vs France Five Nations Cup match at Cardiff Arms Park on February 1, 1992. Getty Images/Jean-Pierre Muller/AFP

Princess Diana was such a fun mom to her sons, Prince William and Prince Harry, and tried her best to give her boys a normal life despite their royal status.

Growing up, the trio enjoyed going to amusement parks and the Princess of Wales never shied away from trying out different rides with her sons. Prince William and Prince Harry particularly enjoyed the rides that got them as well as possible, and Princess Diana was left with no other choice but to join in the fun.

Ken Wharfe, Princess Diana’s former protection officer, said in the YouTube documentary “Prince William at Thirty” that the more thrilling the ride was, the more times Prince Charles’ sons wanted to go.

“And if there was any chance of one of us getting drenched or falling in somewhere, well then, that was an added piece of fun for them. I remember coming back to Kensington Palace seriously drenched thanks to William and Harry,” he said.

During the same trip that took place during the Easter holidays in 1993, photos of the trio were taken by a photographer. The snap shows Princess Diana laughing hysterically while both of her boys are also smiling from ear to ear.

“There’s a photograph which shows myself and the princess and the two boys roaring with laughter. And the reason that we’re laughing is that this was the end of the ride and behind us were the security detail: five fairly large individuals… So, while we had a relatively modest splash, they had a huge splash which soaked the lot of them,” Wharfe said.

Meanwhile, Princess Diana also didn’t want her sons to cut the lines when they are at amusement parks. Just like other normal parkgoers, Prince William and Prince Harry queued in line and waited for their turn.

The Princess of Wales also fed her sons fast food every now and then, and Wharfe said that Prince Charles would’ve been upset if he knew about it years ago.