Queen Elizabeth II
Queen Elizabeth II is seen at the Chichester Theatre while visiting West Sussex on Nov. 30, 2017, in Chichester, United Kingdom. Getty Images/Stuart C. Wilson

Queen Elizabeth II was once saved by her personal protection officer several years ago. Her Majesty shared details about the incident earlier this week while she was at a garden party in Buckingham Palace.

Lucy Stafford, 19, was invited to attend the glamorous party for her charitable work. While there, she said that the monarch told her a story about her near-death experience.

“The Queen was very funny, she reminisced about how her bodyguard had caught a cricket ball flying towards her at a match in 1994. She said she would have been dead if it hadn’t been caught,” Stafford said.

Stafford also shared photos of her trip to the Buckingham Palace via her Instagram account. In her caption, the philanthropist also shared other details from what transpired during the event.

“We had the most delicious afternoon tea in the gardens and even finished the day by meeting the Queen (who told us about how a cricket ball almost killed her in 1994) and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. Can’t quite believe it all really happened!” she wrote.

Meanwhile, the Queen’s near-death experience with the cricket ball was not the only time that she was almost killed. During World War II, the Buckingham Palace was bombed more than three times and suffered nine direct hits that killed one person.

At that time, the monarch, Princess Margaret, the Queen Mother, and King George VI were all residing in the palace. They were lucky enough to have escaped to Windsor Castle at that time.

Between 1970 and 1971, the Queen traveled to Australia for her royal tour. She was reportedly subjected to a failed assassination attempt. In 1981, a teenager also tried to assassinate Her Majesty during the Trooping of Colour.Six shots reportedly rang out as the Queen rode her horse on the streets of London.

In 1982, the Queen could have been murdered when a man broke into the palace and found his way into Her Majesty’s apartment.