An Iraqi citizen living in Columbus, Ohio, was arrested Tuesday for allegedly plotting to kill former President George W. Bush.

Shihab Ahmed Shihab Shihab told a confidential FBI source that he was a part of a plan to smuggle four other people into the country who were ready to perform the plot for the Islamic State terrorist group. He now faces federal charges for aiding and abetting the attempted murder of a former U.S. Official, according to the Justice Department.

“Further, Shihab stated that he wanted to be involved in the actual attack and assassination of former President Bush and did not care if he died as he would be proud to have been involved in killing former President Bush,” the FBI affidavit read.

Shihab had even traveled to Bush’s neighborhood in Dallas to surveil on Feb. 8, according to the FBI.

The plot was uncovered through confidential informants who had meetings with Shihab last year and this spring, Forbes reported Tuesday. Shihab entered the U.S. in September 2020.

There is no current evidence that Bush was ever in danger.

"President Bush has all the confidence in the world in the United States Secret Service and our law enforcement and intelligence communities," Bush's chief of staff Freddy Ford said in a statement.