After being married for over three decades, Kevin Bacon has revealed some shocking details about his engagement to Kyra Sedgwick. While the actress happily accepted the initial proposal from Bacon, he said there was one element that she was sort of turned off by.

Bacon made an appearance on "The Kelly Clarkson Show" on Wednesday. It was there he told Clarkson that even though they've been joyfully married for the past 32 years, "The Closer" star does not share the same taste when it comes to ring choice.

When it came time to propose, Bacon said he kept his plans a secret.

"I had this feeling that I really, really didn't want anybody else to know, so I didn't tell my friends, I didn't tell family. No one knew, which meant that I had to go out and find this ring all by myself. And I have to tell you, I'm really not like a jewelry guy. I don't get it," he said.

Bacon continued to go into great detail about the engagement and mentioned how he thought he found the perfect ring and slipped it into her Christmas stocking.

Three months after the engagement, Sedgwick woke up crying and mentioned how she didn't like the ring. Although it took Sedgwick months to come clean about her feelings on the piece of jewelry, Bacon said there were no bad feelings about exchanging the ring for one of the star's liking.

Despite the hiccup, things worked out just fine for the couple.

According to Hello Magazine, Sedgwick has been splitting her time during the pandemic between Los Angeles and Bacon's farm in Connecticut. Last month, Sedgwick revealed in an Instagram post that she has returned to New York City where the couple was residing before the health crisis hit.

Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick
Actors Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick are pictured. Reuters