Kim Kardashian is seemingly still on a mission to lose more weight, tweeting a picture over the weekend of a shake with avocados, pears, apples and yogurt. The photo caption was "Dinner."

One follower was not impressed. “Holy [expletive] u need more than that for dinner, hope your [sic] lying to us,” wrote Instagram user sativaverte.

Kardashian was also spotted over the weekend filming a scene for the latest season of her reality show, running with sister Kourtney while in full makeup.

The reality star has clearly lost weight since discussing her weight battles back in October.

"I’m hoping to slim down a little bit, and I’m not afraid to say it,” Kardashian told the October issue of Life & Style. “I think everyone goes up and down in whatever that comfortable love relationship phase is where you like to eat out, but now it’s time to get it together again.”

At the end of September, Kardashian was spotted at an event titled, "Midori Makeover Parlour," wearing a green velvet dress, and the back was clearly undone, revealing her bra, as her fastens struggled to stay put.

Prior to the event, Kardashian’s mother and manager, Kris Jenner, tried to fix the back of the dress, but to no avail. At the event, Kardashian made sure to take pictures from the front so the malfunction was not visible.

It seems Kardashian had put on weight since growing more comfortable in her relationship with rapper Kanye West, who she has been dating since April.

The two have been seen on numerous occasions going out to eat at various restaurants, which can quickly lead to weight gain if one is not careful about what they are consuming.

“She feels so comfortable around him — he loves her curves — she hasn’t been vigilant about dieting,” a friend told the magazine.

But Kardashian is now often seen heading to the gym either on her own, with family, or with West.

The reality star apparently feels differently about her body than she did earlier this year, when Kardashian told British magazine Closer in an interview, "I was never going to be one of those skinny girls and now I've accepted my curvy shape, I feel so much better … You can't spend your life worrying about calories."