Arthur Darvill as Rip Hunter
“Legends of Tomorrow” executive producer Marc Guggenheim talked about the powers of Spear of Destiny and Arthur Darvill’s portrayal of the new version of Rip Hunter. The CW

“Legends of Tomorrow” executive producer Marc Guggenheim revealed a few new details about the relic Spear of Destiny, which was first mentioned by Eobard Thawne (Matt Letscher) in the midseason finale of the CW series.

At the end of the said episode, Eobard told his fellow Legion of Doom members Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough) and Malcolm Merlyn (John Barrowman) that their next mission is to find the Spear of Destiny. Damien said that the Spear of Destiny is known by many as the lance that pierced the side of Jesus Christ as he died on the cross. Eobard confirmed what Damien said, but he pointed out that the spear can now be used to change reality itself.

While fans have yet to see how the Spear of Destiny actually works, Guggenheim recently teased the artifact’s capabilities. “Changing time is like painting with the biggest paintbrush possible; using the Spear of Destiny is like using a very, very fine-point technical pen,” TVLine quoted Guggenheim as saying.

The synopsis for the winter premiere reveals that the Spear of Destiny is in the hands of Rip Hunter in 1967 Los Angeles. But since the Rip viewers saw at the end of the winter finale is not the exact Rip that fans have grown to love in the first season of the season, it won’t be surprising if the Legion of Doom ends up stealing the powerful artifact from him effortlessly.

According to the episode summary, Rip has no memories of his past due to “time drift,” which means that he doesn’t know that he’s actually a time master prior to becoming a graduate film student. “Arthur has so embraced this version of Rip [which is an American],” Guggenheim said of the English actor. “He’s obviously doing an accent, but he’s also doing a whole different performance.”

“Legends of Tomorrow’s” winter premiere (Season 2, Episode 9), titled “Raiders of the Lost Art” airs on Tuesday, Jan. 24 at 9 p.m. EST on The CW.