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Stefanos Sifandos
Stefanos Sifandos Stefanos Sifandos

Stefanos Sifandos, a well-respected and sought-after name in the relationship coaching and peak performance space. He continues to inspire more and more people with his words, story and methodologies. He holds a background in behavioral science, and is trauma-informed, which has led him to pursue coaching individuals of the highest caliber with great passion.

With a knack for instilling a positive influence on people, his work is dedicated to getting the best out of one’s life, both encouraging and challenging them to reach their highest potential. Every successful coach has a philosophy, and Stefanos is no different. But unlike most coaches flipping mainstream inspirational jargon, Stefanos actually has methods. He takes a spiritual arc between life and love, combining those aspects with Eastern and Western methodologies. He’s helped people channel their traumas and negative holding patterns to cultivate a positive sense of self within for themselves and their relationship.

One of the distinguishing qualities of Stefanos is that as a coach he mentors people from all walks of life. His guidance and methods are relevant to people no matter what their capacity in life. He has notably worked with special forces soldiers, high-level entrepreneurs, world champion fighters, Olympic gold medalists, businessmen, couples, individuals with pathologies and so forth. These are people who have used these methods to restructure and reframe their perspectives on life and instill a positive change.

A career that has spanned more than two decades, Stefanos is a pioneer in the realm of personal development. Men, women as individuals and couples have reached self-actualization, evoked a sense of empowerment and manifesting their true potential to fulfill their dreams. Stefanos’ methods are similar to what people most seek: self-coaching, immersive experiential retreats, live masterclasses and workshops, guided meditations, and self-healing sessions. These methods are highly sought-after, specialized and research-backed to help lay a positive effect on people physiologically and psychologically.

This way, Stefanos remains an acclaimed personal, relationship and career coach. When it comes to human contact, Stefanos has developed a unique set of models based on his understanding of human psychology and self-confidence. Christine Hassler, his wife, is an integral part of his work. They work together on a variety of projects and ventures, including Inner-child workshops, Be The Queen, Relationship Courses, Breathwork, and Meditation. The Love Amplified banner encompasses all of these programs and more, which are all about helping people and couples to step further into love through healing their pasts.

Mpowered Brotherhood, a men's self-improvement organization he co-founded, provides mental and emotional wellness services to men all over the world, assisting them in overcoming their past suffering and trauma and creating community amongst men. As a co-founder of Elementum Coaching Institute, he has developed one of the complete coaching curricula available anywhere.

Helping followers achieve spiritual harmony, he combines Eastern and Western methods in the form of programs, models and systems that have been developed by Stefanos, utilizing integrative techniques and approaches such as neural-empowerment, Shamanic Praxis, Holotropic and biodynamic breathing, trauma release and integration, western psychology and Eastern Mysticism. In his work with couples in relationship, he focuses on trauma release, modern masculinity and the effects on intimacy, polarity dynamics, and helping women better understand their male counterparts, friends and family members in different social aspects of life.

Stefanos and his wife manage a private coaching practice and a number of other programs. The Internet is buzzing with Stefanos featuring in a variety of podcasts, such as Wholly human with Leann Rimes, Earn Your Happy and the Highest Self podcasts. He has also appeared on the Mark Groves and the Optimal Body podcasts, as well as the Aubrey Marcus and the Ben Greenfield shows.

One of his most popular podcast features is where he speaks about “how to navigate attachment and communication styles.”

Stefanos Sifandos talks about intimacy, masculinity, self-awareness, and communication styles. He offers a wealth of knowledge, experience, and openness to the discussion in it.

Toxic masculinity (as a fallacy) and healthy masculinity is a prominent theme discussed, as well as the best ways for listeners to put these life-changing philosophies into actual practice. The discussion also focuses on limiting beliefs and our shadows, as well as how to harness deeper connections through self-awareness, vulnerability, and intimacy in relationships.