Kit Rich - Photos by Emily Sandifer.
Kit Rich Emily Sandifer

Society has convinced people that humans love binary systems. Between two black-and-white options, we should be able to decide with full clarity. In our careers, that means choosing one passion over another without any hesitation. When this norm is put onto paper, people finally begin to realize how unrealistic it is to box ourselves in. Yet, out in the real world, most people feel pressured to pick a side in their lives. They can't be multi-taskers who balance corporate pursuits with entrepreneurial journeys. This may be because of the differing cultures from industry to industry and from corporate life to business ownership. However, Kit Rich, a celebrity fitness instructor and writer, producer, and director of films and plays, says a more nuanced existence is possible, and encourages women to make bold career shifts.

Despite what people assume, changing career paths isn't always negative. Some people enter fields for the wrong reason or they simply want to try something new. It can feel dangerous and almost wrong to take this step, but Kit Rich, who has made a career pivot from fitness to the entertainment industry, says it could be the best decision of your life.

Kit's story is particularly interesting for people questioning their path because of her sheer courage to defy societal norms. She went from being Hollywood's favorite fitness instructor to a newbie in film in her 40s. People around her were stunned at her decision, and some even called it reckless, but for Kit, this change seemed destined to happen.

Since she was young, Kit had always been creative, with a strong interest in writing. When she became interested in pilates and other fitness-related topics, Kit was also nurturing her writing passion on the side. She submitted scripts for plays often but was rejected continuously. While it seemed like the world was telling her to 'move on' from this dream, her deeper self realized that wasn't true at all.

Kit's debut feature film, Isabel's Garden, will be released in 2024. The heartwarming tale showcases the collective experience of women from multi-cultural and multi-generational viewpoints: A grieving stepmother, a growing teenager, and a wise woman. Blended families are a strong undercurrent in the story, exposing the fact that women can create communities with one another if they embrace their shared qualities. Kit was inspired to write and direct this film to highlight the multifaceted nature of women. Her experience shifting from fitness to entertainment has also helped her reflect on the power of women.

"I know myself more now in my 40's than I ever did in my 20's, I know what I want and more importantly, what I don't want, this has made me more resolute in my dreams. There is something incredibly powerful about this, as I get older I get better. This realization has led me to spread the word and show other women that they can follow their dreams and make a career shift," Kit says.

"Most of the time, they have an intuitive idea that this other area is right for them, but they need the confidence to believe they have what it takes to surpass their existing success somewhere new. For me, that was something really difficult to develop. As women, we are often wired to look for validation in the outside world. In my case, I thought that the world was telling me my writing sucked, so I stopped trying to do it. However, when COVID hit and I was sitting in my thoughts, I realized that rejection wasn't what stopped me. How I viewed myself was the real problem."

Although Kit had grown a highly successful career in fitness training A-list celebrities and other prestigious individuals, she still felt uncertain about betting on herself in a new area. This isn't uncommon. Women have so much to offer to the world, but sometimes they are their biggest critics. For women, how capable they feel and what society thinks they can or should be doing is on their shoulders. This puts them in a unique position where self-doubt can creep in. Kit advocates for this demographic to stay strong regardless of what others think.

"If you're a woman looking to make a change in your career, I advise you to take one small action that moves you towards that goal," she shares. "Reflect on how you feel about this change, and just keep moving in that direction with baby steps. You don't have to jump to the deep end to say that you're 'doing something', you just have to believe in yourself, your ideas, and the fact that your later years are when you know your needs better than ever before. You're powerful and resolute in your decision-making, which helps you create success like no other."

As Kit continues to balance her fitness career alongside her main passion in entertainment, she hopes to inspire change. Seeing more women in the director's chair and behind the scenes in Hollywood is critical for their stories to become mainstream. Things have been changing in recent years, but Kit knows that it never hurts to advocate for more women of all ages, races, and abilities to take up space wherever they can.