Man Cut Wife's Tongue Off With Knife After It 'Fused With His' During Kiss

A man was arrested Monday after he cut off his wife’s tongue because “it fused with his” while they were kissing. The incident took place in the western Indian state of Gujarat on Oct. 9.
Police said the accused, identified as 46-year-old Ayyub Mansuri, told them he was forced to chop off his wife’s tongue with a knife after it got stuck to his while they were kissing.
“Mansuri said when matters turned passionate he found his wife Tasleem’s tongue fused with his. So, he tried to separate the two tongues, during which his wife’s tongue was severed,” a police officer told local daily the Times of India
The accused told police that he panicked after seeing his wife bleeding profusely and ran away after locking her inside the home. She was rushed to a nearby hospital at night and was receiving treatment. She is unable to eat or speak properly and was put on a liquid diet since the surgery. Meanwhile, the accused was taken into custody Monday and remained in jail as of Tuesday night.
Police said the victim was Mansuri’s third wife. They got married in March last year and since then he has been assaulting her frequently.
“Mansuri was charged with murder for allegedly burning his first wife, Parveen, to death. While criminal proceedings were still pending, he married a woman from Mumbai and assaulted her. She left him. He then married Tasleem,” a police officer said.