National Lazy Day is marked annually on Aug. 10 to bring into focus people who spend a lot of time doing nothing and just choosing to stay in their bed or on couches. Bring out your inner couch potato and celebrate this day.

The origins of National Lazy Day are unknown, but this day can be honored by being a lazy good-for-nothing and just relaxing. While many people see laziness as a problem, sometimes it allows the body to rejuvenate and restore its balance and energy.

Here are some quotes about being lazy, courtesy Brainy Quotes.

1. "Lazy people are always anxious to be doing something." — Luc de Clapiers

2. "Lazy people tend not to take chances, but express themselves by tearing down other's work." — Ann Rule

3. "Great things come out of being hungry and cold. Once you're pampered, you get lazy." — Rob Zombie

4. "Blame is just a lazy person's way of making sense of chaos." — Douglas Coupland

5. "I do believe sometimes discipline is very important. I'm not just lying around like a lazy cow all the time." — Bjork

6. "A lazy person, whatever the talents with which he set out, will have condemned himself to second-hand thoughts and to second-rate friends." — Cyril Connolly

7. "It's easy to get jaded. It's easy to get lazy. It's easy to get too self-centric, like, 'Why me? What about my needs?' It has nothing to do with that. But you see, you are the thing you are selling whether you are a director or an actor in this business. It's very tough. The town doesn't realize that its greatest resource is its people." — Bill Paxton

8. "It's very easy to fool yourself that you're working, you know, when you're really not working very hard. I mean, I'm very lazy. So for me, I would always have an excuse, you know, to go - quit early, go to a museum, you know. So I do everything I can to make myself remember this is a job. I keep a schedule." — Robert Caro

9. "Computers allow us to squeeze the most out of everything, whether it's Google looking up things, so I guess that tends to make us a little lazy about reading books and doing things the hard way to understand how those things work." — Buzz Aldrin

10. "Being lazy does not mean that you do not create. In fact, lying around doing nothing is an important, nay crucial, part of the creative process. It is meaningless bustle that actually gets in the way of productivity. All we are really saying is, give peace a chance." — Tom Hodgkinson

Health Benefits Of Being Lazy
Couch potatoes all over the world are celebrating, as their skills at being lazy may just mean that they are making healthy choices Domenico Salvagin