• Stomach bloating is a common condition that could happen to anybody
  • There are ways on how to combat bloating, such as by drinking the right kind of beverage
  • One tea has been proven as effective in reducing bloating symptoms

Stomach bloating is a health condition that many suffer from regardless of age. Most of the time, the foods that you eat are the main reason why you would suddenly have a bloated tummy. The discomfort can be awful, but there is no cause to worry since there are treatments available.

According to studies, one of the most effective ways to ease a crazy bloated tummy is by drinking peppermint tea. This has been used since ancient times due to its healing properties. The refreshing flavor of the tea, and of peppermint itself has been known to help soothe digestive issues.

As per the report of Express, peppermint contains flavonoids. These help in inhibiting mast cells activity in the system, including that which occurs in the gut.

Tea vs. Supplements

Some people may say that they would rather take supplements that prepare a nice hot cup of peppermint tea. This concept may be alright except for the fact that a bag of peppermint tea can supply 6x the amount of peppermint oil as compared to taking supplements. This means getting more health benefits from one bag of tea compared t supplements.

peppermint tea, bloated tummy
peppermint tea, bloated tummy congerdesign - Pixabay

Animal Studies

In addition, studies of animals have shown that peppermint tea helps in relaxing the gut. This encourages soothing intestinal spasms. The accompanying bloated stomach is likewise alleviated. Because of this affirmation from animal studies, it simply showed how effective peppermint really is in reducing bloating symptoms.

Causes of Bloating

Bloating can be caused by a lot of different things. NHS provided some of the things that cause bloating. When you’re constipated, you are most likely to experience bloating. The same goes if you fart excessively. Other causes include talking while eating. The logic behind this is that if you’re talking while eating, you keep on swallowing air, which leads to a bloated stomach. You are also likely to experience bloating if you have a food intolerance, suffer from celiac disease, or irritable bowel syndrome.

Good health advice from experts states that if you want to reduce bloating, better cut down on foods that could cause one. These foods are onions, beans, cabbage, sprouts, cauliflower. Basically, these foods are considered as gassy foods and must be avoided if you want to reduce bloating.