Optimism Reduces Risk of Stroke, Study Shows

Not only does it lead to a happier, healthier life, but optimism can reduce the risk of stroke according to a new study.
Research from the University of Michigan show that of the 6,000 studied adults with no history of stroke, optimism significantly reduced the risk of stroke in Americans aged over 50 years old during a two year follow up period.
Even factoring in high blood pressure, heart disease, hyper tension and body mass index was no match for a proper attitude, the study showed. Results showed that for each point scored on an optimism scale, a patient was 9 percent less likely to suffer from a stroke. Points are acquired by a simple survey asking questions about behavioral characteristics.
Published in July 21 edition of Stroke, an American Heart Association journal, there was no indication of the exact effect optimism has one healthy living.
While optimistic people are more like to eat healthier, seek out and follow medical advice and take vitamins regularly, there is no definitive relationship between optimism and stroke, as reported in ABC News.
Dr. Redford Williams of Duke University told ABC News that optimism could help prevent strokes since it has been shown to reduce blood pressure and hypertension. Also, those who are optimistic tend to eat healthier and exercise more frequently, which studies have shown definitely lessens the risk of stroke.
According to the study, the findings simply show that optimism may play an important role in protecting against stroke among older adults.
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