• Pink supports the #BlackLivesMatter movement
  • Some of Pink's fans argued with the singer online
  • Billie Eilish spoke on how privileged the white people are

Pink has argued with some of her fans over the Black Lives Matter movement.

George Floyd’s death has reignited the battle of the black community against injustice and violence. However, many dismissed the “Black Lives Matter” movement because for them “all lives matter.”

Several celebrities have decided to speak up about the “all lives matter” argument. Billie Eilish pointed out how privileged the white people are and Pink reposted it. However, some of her fans disagreed, Us Weekly reported.

“Totally get where you’re coming from. HOWEVER, as a person with a lawyer brain, I have to say… when you single out one race and say ‘that’ race matters. You ARE implicitly saying other races don’t matter as much. It is automatically inferred,” one commented.

“I believe it does this situation a disjustice [sic] by putting it in the #blacklivesmatter category. This could happen to ANY ONE OF US! THAT is the atrocity! THAT is the REAL issue. It is not about race.”

“You are the epitome of white privilege and the saddest part is that you don’t even hear yourself and probably never will,” Pink replied.

“All Business Owners Life’s Matter too,” another opined.

“So you can’t read,” the Grammy winner replied.

Another netizen called Pink “stupid” and the singer only responded, “What an insightful and helpful comment.”

Pink also shared a message about inclusion and racism on Instagram.

“We stand with our fellow Black employees, storytellers, creators and the entire Black community,” part of her message read.

Again many questioned why it has to be black when all lives matter.

“Why does color matter??Why? It doesn’t make sense. We are all people - it doesn’t make sense,” one asked.

“Colour matters because black people are targeted for their colour. Countless innocent black lives have been lost,” one responded.

Meanwhile, the majority supported Pink for being one with the black community.

“Pink you're inspiring,” one commented.

“Amen! I stand with our brothers and sisters of color! #blacklivesmatter,” another wrote.

“Says the most beautiful woman in the u baby! BLACK LIVES MATTER,” a different follower opined.

Pink slams online trolls for commenting on son's penis. In Picture: Pink at Madison Square Garden. Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic