Prince Andrew
Pictured: Prince Andrew arrives for a reception at the Honourable Artillery Company following the Afghanistan service of commemoration at St Paul's Cathedral on March 13, 2015 in London. Getty Images/Niklas Halle’n

Prince Andrew once shocked the public when he went to the naughtiest nightspot in Florida during his three-week tour of the United States.

In the book “Andrew: The Playboy Prince,” royal biographer Andrew Morton talked about the Duke of York’s bachelor days and said that his first overseas tour made headlines but for all the wrong reasons. It was reported the Sarah Ferguson’s ex-husband visited a bar called Trader Jon’s Club Pigalle in Pensacola.

“The club was situated in the sleazy area of the dockland and had a reputation in the area of being the naughtiest nightspot in town. It was famous for two things; a collection of military souvenirs and an equally impressive collection of topless go-go girls,” he said.

Club owner Martin Weissman spoke with Morton and said that he and his staff were amazed when Prince Andrew came to see them. But it was evident that the dad of two had a wonderful time looking at the pretty girls at the club.

Weissman’s wife, Elizabeth, added, “It was a real treat having the prince here. But Lord knows what his mother would have thought.”

And of the dancers named Lindy Lynn said that she finally understood why Prince Andrew was given the nickname Randy Andy because he couldn’t get his eyes off of the girls. And the dancer, later on, renamed her act to “Randy Andy Eye Popper.”

According to Morton, Prince Andrew managed to win the hearts of American women. But despite his controversial trip, it seemed as though that the Navy was unmoved by the publicity.

The local US naval base launched a Dial-a-Sailor appeal to residents to seek help to entertain the crew of Hermes. When the public found out that Prince Andrew was aboard, the phones reportedly never stopped ringing.

“With southern belles asking for ‘that English Prince Andy, or whatever he’s called,’” Morton said.

And during his younger years, Prince Andrew was dubbed as the Playboy Prince because of the impact he had on women.