Prince Charles
Prince Charles waves as he attends the Royal Cornwall Show on June 7, 2018 in Wadebridge, United Kingdom. Getty Images/Time Rooke

Prince Charles was accused of undermining his royal position for meddling in matters that should have not concerned him.

In Channel 5’s documentary “Royal Scandals,” The Sun royal correspondent Emily Andrews pointed out that when one talks about “scandal” it is often associated with “gossip or tittle-tattle.” However, for her, the “most serious misadventures of the royal family is actually Prince Charles and his interfering in politics.”

Prince Charles was involved in the “black spider memos” saga that played out in 2005 and 2015. The Prince of Wales reportedly sent letters to government ministers in his “spider-like scrawl” to share his views on public affairs.

Dominic Grieve, the attorney general at the time vetoed the release of the letters in 2012 because they “contain remarks about public affairs which would in my view potentially have undermined his position in political neutrality.” However, the veto was overturned in 2015 and 44 letters were released.

“It was a scandal for the very simple reason that it appeared to show the Prince of Wales meddling,” royal biographer Katie Nicholl said.

“We don’t expect [members of the Royal Family] to be political, they’re not allowed to be political. Yet here was the future king meddling, as far as the Guardian was concerned, in matters that didn’t concern him.”

Princess Diana’s former butler Paul Burrell described Prince Charles as someone who “always got a voice.” The heir apparent already said that he would not interfere in government projects once he becomes king. However, Burrell isn’t sure about the future king’s statement.

Meanwhile, there are rumors that Queen Elizabeth II prefers Prince William over Prince Charles to take over the throne. National Enquirer published a report claiming that the Duke of Cambridge has “saved the monarchy” and will snatch the throne from his father with the Queen’s blessing.

The netizens discussed the possibility of Queen Elizabeth II appointing Prince William as her heir instead of Prince Charles and the majority of them said that it is not likely to happen.

The succession of the throne is determined by the parliament. Queen Elizabeth II has no legal authority to alter it. If she wants Prince William to be the next king, it will require an Act of Parliament. Also, many believe that the Queen will not skip Prince Charles who has been trained his whole life to be the next king.