Prince William
Prince William has broken the same protocol while traveling twice. Pictured: Prince William speaks during the graduation ceremony of 30 Young Peace Leaders from Football for Peace’s UK City for Peace programme at Copper Box Arena on November 22, 2018 in London, England. Getty Images/Eammon M. McCormack

Prince William may take his job as the second in line to throne seriously, but the dad of three still breaks royal protocol every now and then.

In fact, Kara Godfrey, a journalist for Express, noted that Prince William broke the same royal protocol twice during his overseas tour. When he was just 9 months old, Prince Charles and Princess Diana decided to bring Prince William to their six-week tour of Australia.

Christopher Warwick, a royal expert, said, “Charles and Diana bucked the royal trend of separation by taking 9-month-old William, as well as his nanny, with them on the six-week tour to Australia and New Zealand.”

But when Prince Charles was still a baby, his mom, Queen Elizabeth II, opted to not take him along with her when she and Prince Philip traveled to Malta. Prince Charles was left in the care of his grandparents in the United Kingdom at that time.

Many years later, Prince William followed in his parents’ footsteps of bringing his children to his overseas tours. When Prince George was also 9 months old, Prince William and Kate Middleton traveled with him to Australia and New Zealand.

Prince William broke another royal protocol when he decided to travel with Prince George on the same plane. Heirs to the throne are not allowed to do so. In case of accidents, it is important that the line of succession won’t be affected.

But Prince William didn’t seem to mind breaking the rule since his parents also traveled with him and Prince Harry on the same plane when they were younger. Prince Charles is first in the line to the throne, and he will take over the Queen’s monarchy when she passes away or retires.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are expected to follow in Prince William and Middleton’s footsteps of traveling with their firstborn during their overseas tours.