Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump gestures as he arrives to speak at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio on July 18, 2016. Reuters

Political conventions are supposed to be boring, but the 2016 Republican National Convention has not exactly followed the usual script.

The formal nomination of Donald Trump has brought with it a convention as unpredictable as the controversial candidate himself. From delegate revolts, to accusations of plagiarism, to Ted Cruz's revolt, the RNC has seemed to get more entertaining every night. While Donald Trump's actual speech is still yet to come — his Thursday night nomination acceptance speech will certainly be must-see TV — there have been plenty of memorable moments so far. Here are the best quotes, moments and speeches from the 2016 RNC from Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday:

Delegates Stage A Revolt

Tension was expected in Cleveland with scores of protesters setting up shop outside of the convention center, but the first flare-up happened on the convention floor. Soon after the convention began Monday, some delegates from the "Never Trump" movement kicked off a last ditch effort to prevent the businessman from becoming the party's nominee. Delegates from 11 states signed a petition demanding a roll call vote on the rules of the convention, hoping to change the rules to let the delegates vote unbound from the results of their home states' primaries and caucuses and allow them to vote for someone other than Trump. The delegate coup was ultimately unsuccessful, but the result was a frenzied first few hours to the highly anticipated convention.

"I Blame Hillary"

Patricia Smith, the mother of Sean Smith, one of the four Americans killed in the 2012 Benghazi attack in Libya, said Democratic presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton was at fault for the tragedy.

"I blame Hillary Clinton personally for the death of my son — personally," said Smith. "Whenever I call the state department, no one will speak to me, because they say I am not a member of the immediate family. Hillary Clinton is a woman, a mother and a grandmother of two. I am a woman, a mother and a grandmother of two. How could she do this to me? How could she do this to any American family?"

Some pundits criticized convention organizers for allowing Smith to speak, claiming that the emotional attack was not rooted in fact.

Sheriff David Clarke

David Clarke, the African-American sheriff of Milwaukee County, has made headlines with his vocal opposition to Black Lives Matter. Clarke's anti-Black Lives Matter went over well at the RNC, but coming after a week of violent tension between police and the communities they serve across the country, the speech was jarring to many.

The Donald Makes An Entrance

Trump sure knows how to make an entrance. The GOP nominee made an early visit to the convention stage to introduce his wife Melania, appearing silhouetted in front of a white screen as "We Are The Champions" played over the speakers.

Melania Borrows From Michelle

Melania Trump, the Slovenian immigrant wife of Donald Trump, gave a stirring speech Monday about how her parents had instilled in her the values and morals that have helped her succeed. Unfortunately, she appeared to borrow a couple lines from Michelle Obama's speech at the 2008 convention. The accusations of plagiarism that followed dominated the news cycle for the next two days. A Trump aide later resigned, taking responsibility for the blunder.

"Lock Her Up"

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie delivered the most aggressive attack on Hillary Clinton so far in the convention when he rattled off a list of grievances about her long career in politics Tuesday night. The speech took the form of a prosecutor's closing arguments as Christie attempted to "present the facts."

Christie said that since the Justice Department "refused to prosecute [Clinton]" over her email scandal, he would do so himself. The crowd eventually erupted into a chant of "Lock her up," expressing a desire to see the former secretary of state in prison.

Ben Carson

Carson provided a more perplexing critique on Clinton than Christie's trial by mob. The retired brain surgeon and former presidential candidate argued that since Clinton holds political activist Saul Alinsky as a mentor and Alinsky addressed Lucifer in the preface of one of his books, that Clinton was somehow in league with Satan. The argument seemed like a bit of a stretch.

"Vote Your Conscience"

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, the Republican runner-up to Trump in the delegate count, had always promised to support the party's nominee, no matter who that would be, having signed a pledge to do so along with his fellow Republican presidential candidates. Cruz did no such thing Wednesday.

"I want to congratulate Donald Trump on winning the nomination last night, Cruz began, never to mention Trump's nominee in his speech again. "If you love our country, and love our children as much as you do, stand, and speak, and vote your conscience, vote for candidates up and down the ticket who you trust to defend our freedom, and to be faithful to the constitution."

When it became clear toward the end of Cruz's nearly 25-minute speech that no endorsement was coming, the crowd began jeering the Texas senator with boos.

Mike Pence

Mike Pence has had a rocky start to his tenure as the GOP's vice presidential nominee. On Wednesday he was tasked with trying to help the convention recover after Ted Cruz's lightning rod speech.