Wonder Woman
Pictured is Gal Gadot in a scene “Wonder Woman." Warner Bros.

It's been relatively quiet on the "Wonder Woman 1984" front aside from the studio stating that the DC film's release would be bumped to 2020. However, thanks to a new leak, we can now supposedly deduce the story arc in the upcoming film, along with some pivotal character details about Diana Prince, Steve Trevor, and others.

Sources with inside knowledge of the production divulged to That Hashtag Show that Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman/Prince will be acting as a spy during the Cold War in the 1980s in the sequels. Prince's specific mission is rumored to be hunting down a Russian spy.

The gossip continues by suggesting that Maxwell Lord, who has previously appeared in comic books, will be entering the story in the live-action adaptation for a very important reason. Supposedly, Lord will have the ability to grant people's wishes at a price, which is said to be behind Trevor's (Chris Pine) return.

Kristen Wiig will be taking on the role of Barbara Minerva, a.k.a. Cheetah, in the new film. It is rumored that Prince and Wiig's character start off as friends but slowly spiral into enemy territory. "People turn on her out of fear, forcing her down the villain’s path," notes Sciencefiction.com. Eventually, Cheetah is assumed to lose control, which forces Wonder Woman to stop her.

When will fans be able to get an actual look at what's to come? Jenkins did seem to suggest in a June 5 tweet that the trailer would be released in December, as noted by Screen Rant.

Of course, any and all details about "Wonder Woman 1984" is hearsay at this point, but if this is indeed how the plot ultimately shakes out then the upcoming movie seems as though it will be a fantastic adventure for fans of the DC Comics superhero.

"Wonder Woman 1984" is slated to hit theaters on June 5, 2020.