America’s Most Infamous Gossip Columnists [VIDEO]
George Rush and Joanna Malloy share their juiciest secrets from their time as gossip columnists. IBT Media

Two of New York’s most famous gossip columnists, a husband-and-wife team, have put their hottest scoops in their new memoir, "Scandal: A Manual," to reveal the dirty secrets of celebrity - and their hunt to expose them. Along the way, they were sometimes targeted with physical threats and offered bribes. George Rush and Joanna Molloy wrote the hugely popular "Rush and Molloy" column in the New York Daily News from 1995 to 2010, but some of their stories and encounters never made it into print... until now.

Rush and Molloy sat down with IBTimesTV to explain why they've decided to spill their secrets now and to share their most scandalous tales from the job.

Making a career of reporting broken marriages and celebrity meltdowns, gossip columnists are often blamed by celebrities who don't want to be held accountable for their own actions, the couple explains. Now with Twitter, the stars can exert even more control over how their image is crafted for their fans.

With “more gossip then ever,” Rush and Molloy say that social media will not take away jobs from working columnists, as platforms like Twitter empower just about anyone to share gossip. The professional is expected to check facts and use sources before dishing up scandal.

Molloy admitted that at times she does feel guilty for what she has written, while her husband Rush simply said it is part of the job. A gossip columnist needs a thick skin, as “it’s not personal.”

Rush and Molloy recall their most scandalous moments on the job with IBTimesTV and reveal that their only real regret is not being able to publish sooner so many juicy stories.