At a time when the world is marred by deception and lies, telling truth is considered an incredible trait. Lying can give someone a moment of vainglory, but a compulsive liar ends up destroying their relationships and even career, in some cases.

Truth is an essential component in shaping a better world and building trust and it takes a strong person to tell the truth. While most of us have said a lie or two to achieve an end goal, we tend to forget they can have serious consequences and hurt feelings.

So, on Tell The Truth Day, which falls on July 7 every year, people are encouraged to work toward being honest and tell the truth, come what may.

Benefits of telling the truth:

  • You don’t need to remember your lies: Telling the truth saves you from the potential embarrassment of contradicting yourself in the future
  • You are more respected: While liars are widely disliked and seem hard to deal with, an honest person earns respect for a lifetime
  • You have happy relationships: By telling the truth, a person can establish a deeper connection with their loved ones and have a happier state of mind

Below are some quotes that you can share with your near and dear ones on this thought-provoking day. (Courtesy: Goodreads)

  • "Silence becomes cowardice when occasion demands speaking out the whole truth and acting accordingly."- Mahatma Gandhi
  • "Truth never damages a cause that is just."- Mahatma Gandhi
  • "Don't bend; don't water it down; don't try to make it logical; don't edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly."- Franz Kafka
  • "Honesty is more than not lying. It is truth-telling, truth speaking, truth living, and truth loving."- James E. Faust
  • "In a room where people unanimously maintain a conspiracy of silence, one word of trust sounds like a pistol shot."- Czesław Miłosz
  • "If we are not ashamed to think it, we should not be ashamed to say it."- Marcus Tullius Cicero
  • "Today I bent the truth to be kind, and I have no regret, for I am far surer of what is kind than I am of what is true."- Robert Brault
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