An Italian woman celebrated a special birthday with a special moment, put together by the U.S. Army. They presented her with a birthday cake in return for the one they ate 77 years back during World War II.

Meri Mion wiped away tears as soldiers sang “Happy Birthday” to her in Italian as well as English while returning her birthday cake during a ceremony in Vicenza, northwest of Venice, on Thursday — the anniversary of the day the 88th Infantry Division fought its way into the city in 1945.

Mion was the guest of honor at the midday event, held a day before her 90th birthday, which falls Friday, according to NBC News.

On the eve of her 13th birthday, Mion was hiding in the attic with her mother on their farm as U.S. soldiers entered her hometown. Her mother had prepared a birthday cake for her the next morning and left it on the windowsill to cool down. However, the cake soon disappeared.

Hungry American soldiers had nabbed Mion’s birthday cake at the time.

Young Mion’s “happiness turned into disappointment later when the resourceful American Soldiers made off with her birthday cake,” Col. Matthew Gomlak, commander of U.S. Army Garrison Italy, said, according to a US Army press release.

Grateful Italians offered bread and wine to the American troops that were involved in the fighting with German forces in 1945 at Corso San Felice e Fortunato in Vicenza.

"That warm welcome by the people of Vicenza continues to this day," Col Gomlak added, according to BBC.

At least 19 US soldiers were wounded or killed in the fight.

77 years after American troops fought near Vicenza, the U.S. Army returned her birthday cake at Thursday’s event.

"It was a little awkward, but it makes me feel great to give her the cake," said Sgt. Peter Wallis, a military police Soldier from Seabeck, Washington.

“Mama mia,” marveled Mion, who was surprised to see her cake being replaced at the event after all these years.

“Grazie,” she said as the small crowd of US commanders and Italian officials sang “Happy Birthday” to her.

“Tomorrow, we will eat that dessert with all my family, remembering this wonderful day that I will never forget,” Mion told them.

Representative image Credit: Pixabay / svetlanabar