There are many causes of sleep deprivation. Taking unfinished work home and stress are among the significant factors. For those who are suffering from sleep loss, the disorder may seem like an overwhelming obstacle to getting a good night’s rest.

More than just an inconvenience, sleep loss can increase the risk of developing a host of severe health conditions like diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. Aside from these, lack of sleep may also shorten life expectancy.

The National Health Service, however, says that this disorder can be treated by making some changes to the lifestyle. Modifying your diet can also help a lot as it plays a crucial role in getting a night of good sleep.

Cherry Juice

how to get a good night's sleep, cherry juice
how to get a good night's sleep, cherry juice ExplorerBob - Pixabay

Having cherry juice before bedtime, according to The Sleep Council, aids in letting you have a restful night. The fresh drink has sleep-inducing properties like melatonin, which causes you to feel drowsy and at the same time, normalizes the body’s internal clock.

The health organization recommends tart cherries since this fruit has high melatonin content. Supermarket cherry juice, however, should be avoided as they always come loaded with lots of sugar.

Less Sugar

As scientists have proved, consuming huge amounts of sugar can cause you to suffer from restless nights and disrupted sleep. In a study conducted a couple of years ago, researchers discovered those who consumed lots of fats and sugar were the ones who complained most about having fitful nights.

The results of that study led researchers to conclude that having more sugar, particularly before bedtime, can cause you to spend less time in a night of slow-wave, deep sleep. According to researchers, this sleep-time phase is essential as this is the stage where the body restores and heals itself. This is also the period where immune functions and healthy metabolism goes to work.

In a recent study that looks into the sleep-inducing properties of cherry juice, half of the volunteers were asked to drink 16 ounces of tart cherry juice. The other half were asked to drink the same quantity of placebo juice. They underwent the same routine every day for two weeks.

Better Than Melatonin

At the end of the period, researchers found that the first half who drank cherry juice increased their sleep time by at least 85 minutes. It was also discovered that tart cherry juice rivaled, if not exceeded, the efficacy of melatonin and valerian, the two most researched natural products to treat insomnia.

Aside from cherry juice, The Sleep Council also says having a glass of warm milk before going to bed can induce sleep. The health body said the calcium content of milk can help you get a restful sleep, which is, after all, an age-old remedy that is in practice until now.