• Cases of COVID-19 infections continues to climb every day
  • Coronavirus-related deaths is now at 10,405
  • Coronavirus came from Latin term "corona" meaning crown

The numbers today show a grim picture of what is happening out there. Data shows there are now a total of 247,595 confirmed cases of coronavirus infection, of which 10,064 have already died, and 7,402 remain in critical condition. All over the world, governments are asking their citizens to self-isolate in an attempt to stop the spread of the virus.

Since the outbreak was first discovered in the city of Wuhan in China in December of last year, it has already spread to more than 180 countries. Italy is the hardest hit outside of China, with 41,035 confirmed cases and 3,405 deaths, surpassing China’s death toll of 3,248.

Where did the term coronavirus come from?
Where did the term coronavirus come from? geralt - pixabay

A Large Family Of Viruses

Why is it called the coronavirus? What does "corona" mean, anyway? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC, said that coronaviruses are a huge family of viruses that cause flu-like symptoms. Such symptoms can range from cough, fever, sore throat, or runny nose. In some instances, however, the symptoms can escalate to a serious illness like pneumonia.

The word "corona" is Latin for a crown. The series of crown-like spikes on the surface of the virus is the reason why it was given this name. Aside from the COVID-19, which is a new strain of coronavirus and is the cause of today’s global pandemic, there are also other types of coronaviruses. Among these is the coronavirus that causes Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome or the SARS, and the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome or the MERS-CoV.

Like COVID-19, the first outbreak of SARS also happened in China back in November of 2002 to July of 2003. It caused 8,098 people to get infected and also led 774 people to die. Records indicate that SARS spread to 17 countries.

In the case of MERS, it was first detected in Saudi Arabia back in 2012, and since then, has spread to other countries, including the US. Patients who got infected with the disease developed severe respiratory ailments. Many of them died.

Strict Measures

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson warned that the worst has not yet come, and it could turn really nasty before it gets better. In a press conference on Monday, Mr. Johnson announced more stringent measures that will be implemented by the government to prevent the virus from further spreading.

He said that everyone should avoid making non-essential contact with others and to refrain from making unnecessary travels. Mr. Johnson also urged everyone to avoid theaters, clubs, pubs, and other similar social venues. The Prime Minister also said that where possible, people should be working from home from now on. He also said mass gatherings would no longer be supported by emergency personnel.