Who Is Eddie Scarry? Conservative Journalist Mocks Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Clothes

Eddie Scarry, a conservative reporter, tweeted out a picture of newly elected congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Thursday, attempting to criticize her outfit.
Ocasio-Cortez has been vocal about her financial situation. Scarry felt her outfit said otherwise and she didn’t appear to lack money.
“Hill staffer sent me this pic of Ocasio-Cortez they took just now. I’ll tell you something: that jacket and coat don’t look like a girl who struggles,” he tweeted.
He got a lot of attention post the tweet with people criticizing him for his comments.
I, too, am disappointed Ocasio didn’t show up wearing only a wooden barrel held up by suspenders and carrying her few belongings in a bindle https://t.co/HqLEo5bvEP
— jordan (@JordanUhl) November 15, 2018
There’s a thing called credit cards, or borrowing clothes, or having clothes from years earlier. There’s also a thing called being a hack journalist who makes stupid, ignorant, creepy remarks a/b women — see also, your tweet. & there’s a thing called IT’S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.
— Mark Hughes (@markhughesfilms) November 15, 2018
breaking: young progressive saves up over the course of a year so she can dress appropriately for her new professional job and procure housing nearby.
— RedBull in a china shop (@upupdowndown) November 15, 2018
Post the backlash, he deleted the photo and stated, “I posted a tweet earlier suggesting the incoming congresswoman looked well put together -- ELEGANT even -- despite suggestions she’s struggled. The tweet was taken as something else, so I’ve deleted it!”
Ocasio-Cortez too lashed back at the reporter by saying, “Oh, does Scarry think he can delete his misogyny without an apology? I don’t think so. You’re a journalist - readers should know your bias.”
“If I walked into Congress wearing a sack, they would laugh & take a picture of my backside. If I walk in with my best sale-rack clothes, they laugh & take a picture of my backside. Dark hates light – that’s why you tune it out. Shine bright & keep it pushing,” she tweeted.
Ocasio-Cortez belongs to a working-class background and worked as a bartender. In a recent interview with The New York Times, she said she couldn’t afford to move to Washington D.C. until she got her first congressional salary. Ever since, Republicans have tried to prove that she was lying about her financial status and was secretly rich. From posting her childhood photos to questioning her origin, they have done it all.
Scarry, on the other hand, is currently working as a reporter with the Washington Examiner. This is not the first time that he has been accused of bad behavior.
Heavy.com reported he earned a lot of criticism for the photos he took while working for a media gossip blog called FishbowlDC. Scarry covered political events where he took photos of women’s rear ends and posted them on the internet.
He has also been accused of homophobia for his article, headlined “GooProud Gets Behind Romney," on a group of gay Republicans deciding to endorse former Massachusetts Guv. Mitt Romney. He also once tweeted he felt many lesbians are “overweight.”
Scarry is also the author of the book “Fraud and Fiction: The Real Truth Behind Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House.” It was written in response to journalist Michael Wolff’s account on Trump’s White House.
The book won accolades from Ann Coulter, a conservative commentator, who said “I loved Fire and Fury, but even the author admitted that he only wrote what the president’s advisors told him. Eddie Scarry, one of Washington’s best political writers, shows where they were wrong.”
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