Why Do Republicans Hate Obamacare? Affordable Care Act Not Working For All Americans

After more than 100,000 people enrolled in Obamacare immediately following Donald Trump presidential victory last week, the Republican party still plans to lead the hard fight against the health care policy and repeal the law. Trump’s views on Obamacare are in line with that of his constituents, and he has said in interviews that he plans to repeal and replace the government mandated health care coverage.
The main goal of the Affordable Care Act passed by the Obama administration is to give Americans access to the health coverage they need without it costing them an arm and a leg. The service mandates birth control coverage, allows young people to stay on their parents' insurance until they’re 26 years old and takes away insurance providers ability to jack up premium prices for people suffering from pre-conditions among a slew of other things.
Republicans have been against Obamacare since President Barak Obama signed the policy into law in 2010. In all, Republicans have voted to repeal Obamacare more than 60 times since they took over the House of Representatives in 2010.
The reasons why so many conservatives are against Obamacare boils down to dollars and cents. Obamacare expands the reach of Medicaid, subsidizing insurance coverage in a way that makes health coverage more affordable for people with the least of means. Obamacare adds to Republicans' fears over the economy because it drives up the amount of money health care providers have to spend to offer more services for more people.
President-elect Donald Trump says he will keep parts of Obamacare in his first post-election television interview https://t.co/jsWCFicpta
— 60 Minutes (@60Minutes) November 12, 2016
Republicans are also under the belief that Obamacare is deceptive. When Obama initially introduced his health care plans to Congress in 2009, Republicans claim the policy was tailored to hide private-sector expenses from the federal budget that made Obamacare seem cheaper than what it actually was, Cato Institute’s Michael F. Cannon perpetuated in a 2009 report. Obamacare has seen premiums increase by some 25 percent on average, resulting in lower-than-expected enrollment in more recent years and more networks skimming the services they provide to make up for lost profits.
"The health law's nagging problems center on lower-than-hoped-for enrollment, sicker-than-expected customers, and a balky internal stabilization system that didn't deliver as advertised and was already scheduled to be pared back next year," an Associated Press report concluded in April.
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