A 10-year-old girl stabbed her classmate to death following an argument over a pen. The incident took place in the western Indian state of Rajasthan on Wednesday and the girl was sent to a juvenile home Sunday.

According to local reports, a search was initiated after the victim failed to return home from school Wednesday. Police found the girl’s body the following day which was covered with stab wounds.

Police said the victim had gone to school to appear for her exams when the accused took her pen. An argument broke out between the two inside the classroom during which the girl accused the victim of stealing her pen. After the examination, the victim went to the accused’s home to confront her. A fight broke out again between the two during which the accused brutally attacked the victim with an iron rod. The victim was left bleeding but remained conscious.

When the victim got up on her feet and threatened to call the police, the accused brutally stabbed her nearly 20 times with a sharp weapon, resulting in her death. Upon realizing that the victim was dead, the accused immediately covered the body using a sack and cleaned the scene. When her mother returned from work, the accused informed her that she had killed the girl. The mother decided to help her daughter cover up the murder and accordingly threw the body in a nearby pond.

When the father of the accused returned home from work, the mother-daughter duo informed him about the murder. He immediately fished out the body from the pond and dumped it away from their home.

Police said after the body was found Thursday, the officials searched the 10-year-old girl’s home and found blood spots. The accused confessed to the crime and her parents too confessed to helping the girl cover up the murder by destroying the evidence. All three were taken into custody.

india crime
Representational image of police officials investigating a crime scene in Bangalore, Karnataka, in southern India, Sept. 5, 2017. MANJUNATH KIRAN/AFP/Getty Images