At least 77 students were force-fed human feces by two seniors at a school in Indonesia. The two senior students were expelled from school Thursday.

According to reports, one of the seventh-grade students relieved himself in a plastic bag as he was unable to make it to the washroom in time. The two unidentified senior students found the plastic bag in the changing room and asked the students about how it got there. When none of the students, who were 12-year-olds, answered, the seniors force-fed the feces to the entire class with a spoon.

Recalling the incident, one of the students said, “We just gave in and accepted it. It was disgusting, but we weren't able to resist.”

One student then reported the incident to his parents who in turn complained to the management. In a statement, the school head Father Deodatus Du'u said the two students were expelled.

“The term 'eat' used by the media is inaccurate. What actually happened was one of the seniors touched the lips and tongues of the year-seven students with a feces-filled spoon,” he added.

Meanwhile, the commissioner of the Indonesian Children's Protection Commission expressed concern over the incident and said the two students could face legal trouble under child protection laws.

In this photo, pupils wait for the start of the first written test in philosophy as part of the Baccalaureat (France's high school diploma) at a school in Paris, June 15, 2017. Martin Bureau/AFP/Getty Images