A previous version of the story had a misspelled word in the headline.

A young Michigan woman was fired from her job and has been receiving death and rape threats for her Halloween costume choice, which she believed was “a simple joke.”

Alicia Ann Lynch, 22, dressed as a Boston bombing victim for work on Oct. 31, with shorts, sneakers, a marathon T-shirt and with fake blood dripping down her face, legs and arms. According to Buzzfeed, Lynch posted a photo of herself in costume on her Twitter account @SomeSKANKinMI (which has since been deactivated) with the caption “Costume one #ssim #boss #halloween #boston #marathon #runner.” Almost immediately, the backlash against Lynch ensued, even including angry commenters publishing nude photos of her online.

“@SomeSKANKinMI People at the Boston Marathon died in terror and agony... and you looked at the images and thought “lol funny costume idea"?” @Chinchillazilla wrote.

An actual victim of the April 15 Boston bombing attacks, Sydney Corcoran, who was severely injured along with her mother, Celeste, added her voice to the attack on Lynch. @Sydney23Lynne tweeted: “@SomeSKANKinMI You should be ashamed, my mother lost both her legs and I almost died in the marathon. You need a filter.”

Twitter users also were able to find out what Lynch's full name was because earlier she had posted a photo of her driver’s license on her account. That’s when she and her family and friends began receiving death and rape threats and the bullying intensified.

“Is that chick with the marathon bombing halloween costume dead yet? have we killed her yet? If we havent, then what are we waiting for?” Twitter user @Jduham wrote.

Lynch immediately deactived all of her social media accounts but then reactiviated Twitter after her family began receiving death threats.

“Plz stop with the death threats toward my parents. They did nothing wrong. I was the one in the wrong and I am paying for being insensitive,” she wrote on Nov. 1. “Please stop spreading around my parents' number and my home address. THEY DID NOTHING WRONG.” Later, though, Lynch revealed to Buzzfeed that she did not post that apology and believes “someone is trying to look out for me and help me make things better.”

But the Internet bullying became worse. On Barstool Sports, users found all of her information, including her address and employer. One commenter, cookiemonstaaa87, wrote “Lets Bully Her!” On Twitter, user @mchugh1073 wrote: “I forgot you can anonymously send shit (literally, shit) through the mail. I think @SomeSKANKinMI can expect a delivery.”

EveryJoe.com also found nude photos and videos of Lynch online and has been circulating the images on the Internet.

Lynch said via Twitter that she was fired from her job because of her costume and the controversy surrounding it, writing “I am paying for what I thought was a simple joke. I know it was wrong now. I wasn't thinking. I’m sorry.”

Four days after Halloween, Lynch contacted Buzzfeed to publically apologize for her costume choice.

“It seems as though my outfit was too soon, and will always be that way. It was wrong of me and very distasteful,” she said. “My costume was not meant to disrespect anyone, ever. I am truly sorry to anyone that I may have offended or hurt with this. I know my apology doesn’t ever fix anything that has been done, but at least know that I am being sincere. I can’t undo my actions or make up for them, but my apology is a start.”

Lynch also detailed some of the threats she has been receiving. “I’ve had voicemails where they want to slit my throat and they want to hang me and tear off my face,” she said. She added that her best friend was told by a stranger that “they’re going to blow up her house and hang her child.” However, the threats of rape, she told Buzzfeed, hit her the hardest since she was the victim of rape last Thanksgiving.

“When people bring up the rape stuff, it kind of hits a spot, but I don’t show it. I’m over it, but it’s something that I would never, ever wish upon someone no matter what they had done. They can dress however they want.”

Lynch also added that she believes she was harassed so viciously in comparison to others who have worn Boston marathon bombing-inspired costumes this Halloween, because she is a woman. She claimed her intent was to be “funny.”

“Honestly, it’s the Day of the Dead,” she said. “I wasn’t a dead person, I wasn’t being disrespectful. I was a survivor of a marathon. And it’s not like I was walking around with a fake leg or my arm torn off or something like that.”