‘Big Brother’ Season 19: Matt Uses POV On [SPOILER]
Warning: This article contains spoilers from episodes of “Big Brother” Season 19 that have not yet aired. Read at your own risk!
“Big Brother” Season 19 recently saw Matt Clines deciding on what he should do with his Power of Veto (POV).
Matt became an automatic third nominee earlier this week after he lost in the Temptation Competition twist. However, he wasn’t really alarmed because it is clear that this week’s target is Cody Nickson. Alex Ow, who is this week’s Head of Household (HOH), made sure not to put Cody up on the chopping block so that he won’t be able to participate in the POV and save himself.
According to Big Brother Network, Monday’s POV ceremony saw Matt using his win to save Jason Dent instead of himself. Since Matt is an automatic third nominee, using the POV on himself would mean Alex cannot put up a replacement nominee. With this, Matt ultimately decided – together with the other houseguests – that using it on this week’s pawn, Jason, was the best move.
After Matt used the POV on Jason, the latter was taken out of list of possible evictees, and Alex finally managed to nominate Cody. At present, Cody, Matt and Elena Davies are this week’s three nominees, and one of their fates will be sealed on Thursday night.
But another upcoming twist will take place this week as “Big Brother” host Julie Chen announced that there will be a double eviction. After Cody leaves and heads to the jury, he will be joined by another houseguest immediately. A special HOH competition will take place on Thursday and will be followed by a live nomination and voting ceremony.
Meanwhile, Mark Jansen recently realized that putting Paul Abrahamian up for eviction could be a bold game move for him. However, when he told Jason about it, the rodeo clown revealed Mark’s plan to Paul. As of late, majority of the houseguests are still playing the returning vet’s game, but Christmas Abbott and Josh Martinez also realized that Paul has been manipulating the other houseguests.
Will this week’s HOH nominate Paul in this week’s double eviction? Find out on Thursday at 9 p.m. EDT on CBS.

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