Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina speaks in Plymouth, New Hampshire Nov. 16, 2015. Reuters

Republican presidential hopeful and former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina played and talked with a bunch of dogs in a video posted Tuesday, telling them that she prefers dogs to cats, used to eat the dog food Milk Bones when she was a kid (“I thought they were very good”) and that President Barack Obama has a taste for canine meat. Later, though, she flip-flopped and said she really likes cats as well.

“You know, president Obama ate one of your cousins,” she told two fluffy puppies in a high-pitched baby voice. “Vote Republican,” she added, looking up into the camera.

It’s not the first time that a Republican presidential candidate has made the claim that the president has chowed down on some puppy meat. During the 2012 presidential campaign, after Obama supporters criticized Republican nominee Mitt Romney for driving the family car with a crate containing the family dog strapped to the top when he was younger, Romney supporters struck back. They attacked Obama for admitting to actually eating dog meat while he was a boy in Indonesia.

It's true: Obama did write about eating dog meat when he lived in Indonesia. While he was there – living in a country with very different values and culinary culture – Obama wrote that he was introduced to a several foods, including snake, dog and roasted grasshopper, many foods Americans generally view as novel or bizarre.

Fiorina has fallen far in national polls since the end of September, when she was attracting 11.8 percent of likely Republican voters, according to an average of polls from Real Clear Politics. At the time, she was in third place behind businessman Donald Trump and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson. Now she finds herself in eighth place with just 2.3 percent of the vote.