• Donald Trump is incapable of leading the country during the global crisis
  • Coronavirus pandemic and economic fallout reportedly overwhelmed Donald Trump's capacity
  • Donald Trump reportedly has serious mental illness

Donald Trump is reportedly unsuited to deal with the global crisis.

Peter Wehner, contributing writer at The Atlantic and senior fellow at Ethics and Public Policy Center (EPPC), wrote that Trump is “utterly unsuited to deal with this crisis, either intellectually or temperamentally.” For him, the coronavirus pandemic has “created conditions that can catalyze a destructive set of responses from an individual with Trump’s characterological defects and disordered personality.”

In times like this, the people need their leader to be calm, wise and reassuring. The president is expected to tell the facts, communicate well and think long-term while considering others’ opinions and conflicting needs. The leader has to persuade the public to act in ways that is necessary and bring the nation together. The people need a chief executive with exceptional judgment. However, Trump doesn’t have these qualities, according to Wehner.

“Trump’s psychological makeup, when faced with facts and events that are unpleasant, that he perceives as a threat to his self-image and public standing, simply denies them. We saw that repeatedly during the early part of the pandemic, when the president was giving false reassurance and spreading false information one day after another,” Wehner wrote.

He added that Trump doesn’t have the capacity to listen, synthesize and internalize information that does not serve his greatest needs. He couldn’t put others before himself.

A clinical psychologist whom Wehner talked to told him that Trump needs praises, applauses and accolades to calm him and boost his confidence. However, there is no room for these things at present and the POTUS is reportedly growing irritable to get positive attention.

The psychologist added that the coronavirus pandemic and economic fallout “overwhelm Trump’s capacity to understand, are outside of his ability to internalize and process, and [are] beyond his frustration tolerance. He is neither curious nor interested; facts are tossed aside when inconvenient or [when they] contradict his parallel reality, and people are disposable unless they serve him in some way.”

Several experts already said that Trump has serious mental illness and is psychologically incapable of discharging his duties as the President of the United States. In 2017, John Gartner, Ph.D. started a petition to remove Trump from his position due to his mental condition.

Currently, Twitter users are asking Trump to get help with his mental health. Many also want to use the 25th amendment to remove Trump from the Oval Office.

US President Donald Trump backtracked on a proposal to place the greater New York region in lockdown after strong pushback from local leaders
US President Donald Trump backtracked on a proposal to place the greater New York region in lockdown after strong pushback from local leaders GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / Sarah Silbiger