• A health expert revealed that skipping meals harms the body's metabolism
  • There are other factors that affect how the body uses energy
  • Walking, running and jumping are among the best ways to help increase metabolism

Metabolism plays a huge role in the body's ability to lose weight and vice versa. For those who have tried to go on crash diets, cutting out meals or counting calories, and yet they felt that they have not lost weight, then they may need to understand their metabolism more.

According to Natalie Allen, RD, Clinical Assistant Professor of Biomedical Sciences, metabolism is how the body would convert the food into energy. Once converted, the resulting energy is used to do even the most basic things like breathing, walking, and of course, exercising.

Factors That Affect Metabolism

Allen mentioned that the amount of food that people eat in order for them to have the right levels of energy to do tasks would vary from one person to another. There are factors involved as to why this is so. These include age, biology, genes, eating pattern, activity level, medical condition.

When it comes to age, those who are younger tend to use up more energy than older people; hence, they have a faster metabolism. Males are also known to have higher metabolism compared to women due to their body structure.

Don't Skip Meals

An eating pattern that constantly skips meals may not set your metabolism at the level that you would like. This disrupts the body's metabolism and can even slow it down.

some reminders on the body's metabolism
some reminders on the body's metabolism Fotorech - Pixabay

As for activities, the metabolism is higher after working out since it is at this stage that the body burns more energy. This is quite apparent when comparing a sedentary person and a physically active one. Medical conditions also contribute to how the body burns energy.

Increasing Metabolism

Allen mentioned three distinct ways to increase metabolism. Be active, eat regularly, and increase muscle mass. Remember that these activities are meant to stimulate metabolism, and such will not happen overnight.

Walking, running, jumping, and strength training are great ways to increase metabolism. Make sure that you don't skip meals. Don't wait until lunchtime to grab a bite. Make sure that you grab a bite before 10 a.m.

Another reminder is not to deprive your body of the fuel that it needs to power you for your workout. Steer clear of those fad diets and try not to stress about counting calories.