Getting a good night’s rest for eight hours has always been recommended by medical professionals and experts. This is to ensure complete rest and rejuvenation of the body for it to function the following day efficiently.

In many cases, however, this is easier said than done since there are a lot of factors that could interfere with the quality of sleep. Anxiety and stress are among these factors.

While such interruptions may generally be considered as mere annoyances, they could become sources of irritation the next day. Constant sleep loss could also cause emotional difficulties, excessive daytime drowsiness, obesity, poor job performance, and lower perception of the quality of life.

A recent study made by professors at Ohio State University revealed that lack of sleep could aggravate arguments among couples. Fortunately, nutritionists and sleep experts offer four tips to get that good sleep and thus improve your daytime functions and faculties. What are these?

tips to get a good night's sleep
tips to get a good night's sleep tmeier1964 - Pixabay

Examine Your Diet

While nutritionists agree that good or bad food depends on one’s perception of food, studies do show those who keep a balanced and varied diet enjoy better and quality sleep. Rhiannon Lambert, a nutritionist, explained that particular vitamin or mineral deficiencies like vitamin B12 and iron cause tiredness and fatigue, causing sleep problems. Go for salmon, red meat, and dairy, as well as eggs, to get your protein requirements.

For vegans, look for fortified foods and supplements as replacements for animal-based foods. Lambert also suggests you get varied plates for each meal. You must also ensure you consume foods that are rich in protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates for every meal.

Minimize or Completely Avoid Drinking

Sealy UK sleep expert, Holly Housby, says that drinking can impact the quality of sleep. Working people would often wind down by having a drink in the evenings. They believe that drinking can help them sleep quicker. Studies, however, dismiss this as a false belief as results show alcohol disrupts the most restorative stage of sleep, which is the REM phase.

To improve the quantity and quality of sleep, eliminate drinking after work hours, or minimize the amount of drink you have in the evenings. Taking a shot of liquor or a glass of beer is enough for a nightcap. Having limited amounts can minimize the effects of alcohol on your sleeping time.

Consume Adequate Amounts of Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates help create tryptophan amino acids in the brain, causing you to feel drowsy, particularly after a large meal. Tryptophan transforms into serotonin, which then converts into melatonin, the hormone that controls the circadian rhythm or the sleep-wake cycle.

To obtain the best results, health professionals recommend eating a healthy diet with carbohydrates approximately four hours before retiring to bed. This would require a bit of discipline, but the results will be worth it.

Limit Caffeine Intake

The effects of caffeine can continue to manifest in the body for up to several hours. This means the stimulant can greatly disturb your circadian rhythm. Aside from lengthening the time required for you to feel drowsy and go to sleep, it also decreases the quality of sleep. If you have constant trouble with falling asleep during nighttime, it may be because of the coffee you drank during the day or in the evening.

It is also very important to note that teas, chocolates, and some soda drinks contain caffeine. Be aware of the amount of caffeine you have been consuming to ensure you do not have trouble sleeping at night.